For Specific Sport information, please see the navigation menu on the right

We offer students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of after-school sports and activities. We consider each involvement to be an integral part of what we offer, and urge all students to get into one or more activities. Beginning in middle school, some activities will conflict with other activities and students will have to make choices about what to do. Students must remain in good academic and behavioral standing to participate in athletics at Westfield. Additionally, Westfield Middle School participates in the Northwest DuPage Valley Athletic Conference (NWDVAC) and abides by the standard of eligible participation as stated below:
The NWDVAC recognizes that participation in school extracurricular activities is a privilege. Students participating in athletics and extracurricular activities are expected to be in good academic standing along with being an honorable representative of their middle school. Because participation is a privilege and not a right, students are held responsible for their academic levels of achievement and overall school success.
Academic success must be adhered to as a minimum standard for participation in extracurricular activities or athletics. The NWDVAC Middle School administrators are responsible to see that only eligible students represent the school in competition. Students choosing to enroll in extracurricular activities or athletics must be passing all classes to have the opportunity to participate in these after school activities. Each conference middle school may have additional requirements, but they may not be less stringent than the conference. Article IV – Eligibility, Section C
Two evening school dances are typically scheduled each year and are jointly sponsored by our Student Council and our Westfield PTO. A professional disc jockey will play music in the gym. Snacks and soft drinks are served by the PTO. Tickets are usually $5.00. Only eligible Westfield students may attend the dances. The 8th Grade Graduation Dance is free for all 8th graders in May. All participating students must be in “good standing” both academically and with behavior.
Any student absent from school for more than a half day may not participate in any extracurricular-related activity for that day, unless approved by school administration.
By law, students who wish to try out for any of our athletic programs (including clinics) must have a yearly sports physical on file in the Health Office.
Click below for a copy of the IHSA/IESA Sports Physical Form.
At Westfield, there are a variety of athletic activities scheduled throughout the year. Practices are held daily after school from approximately 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Listed below are the athletic activities with the season times they encompass:
Andrea Thanos
Tryouts are held in the fall. The season runs from December into February. Cheerleading Sign Up Form
Tryouts are held in the fall. The season runs from December into February. Cheerleading Sign Up Form
Julie Rollins
Tryouts are held in December and practices begin thereafter. Please use this POMS SIGN UP FORM if you are interested in trying out.
Tryouts are held in December and practices begin thereafter. Please use this POMS SIGN UP FORM if you are interested in trying out.
Cross Country
Tom Buchholz,
Mark Stamatakos,
Karl Volkman,
Sign ups for both boys and girls begin in August. The season ends in early October.
Mark Stamatakos,
Karl Volkman,
Sign ups for both boys and girls begin in August. The season ends in early October.
Girls Basketball
Tom Buchholz, 8th grade coach
Jeremy Gabriel, 6th/7th grade coach
Boys Basketball
Jeremy Gabriel 7th & 8th grade boys coach
Brittany Miller 8th grade girls coach
Taylor Esposito 6th & 7th grade girls coach
Tryouts for boys and girls begin in February. The season ends in late March.
Track & Field
Tryouts for boys and girls begin in April. The season runs to the end of May.
Jeremy Gabriel, contact coach
Kelly Hilden, contact coach
Intramurals will run on Wednesday mornings before school from 7:30-8:10 am. Sessions will run in 6-week rotations. Activities will change each 6-week rotation.
Away Athletic Event Locations
For address information regarding away athletic event locations for each sport, please CLICK HERE.
Craig Hatter, Band Director
Cadet Band is primarily 6th grade and rehearses before school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Concert Band is primarily 7th grade and rehearses before school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Jazz Band is mixed grade levels and rehearses after school on Wednesdays. Parents provide transportation to the before-school rehearsals, and from the after-school rehearsals. All band performance groups meet all school year long and have periodic concerts throughout the school year.
Cadet Band is primarily 6th grade and rehearses before school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Concert Band is primarily 7th grade and rehearses before school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Jazz Band is mixed grade levels and rehearses after school on Wednesdays. Parents provide transportation to the before-school rehearsals, and from the after-school rehearsals. All band performance groups meet all school year long and have periodic concerts throughout the school year.
Choir Club
Karma Krzysiak, Choir Director
Students register for the course at the beginning of the year. Show Choir meets twice each week before school at 7:30 a.m. Choir Club has several performance opportunities throughout the year.
Students register for the course at the beginning of the year. Show Choir meets twice each week before school at 7:30 a.m. Choir Club has several performance opportunities throughout the year.
Culture Club
Adviser: Caryn Ocuto
Culture Club is a small community of students experiencing conversation, community speakers, goodwill missions, student presentations, and more!
Culture Club is a small community of students experiencing conversation, community speakers, goodwill missions, student presentations, and more!
Stage Productions
Adviser(s): Karen Taylor
- Fall Play: Auditions held in September/October, performance held in late October/early November.
- Spring Play: Auditions are held in January/February, performance near the end of April.
- Talent Show: Scheduled for January, students audition for a performance spot in this annual event.
Adviser: Jessica Power
Westfield's Family & Consumer Science club is designed for students to practice necessary life skills in the kitchen and home, including sewing and cooking.
Westfield's Family & Consumer Science club is designed for students to practice necessary life skills in the kitchen and home, including sewing and cooking.
Club Create
Adviser: Deyana Matt
Westfield’s Club Create is for students who want to get a scoop of the creative action by being engaged in the various things that interest artsy middle school students such as crafts, legos, DIY builds and more.
Westfield’s Club Create is for students who want to get a scoop of the creative action by being engaged in the various things that interest artsy middle school students such as crafts, legos, DIY builds and more.
Student Council
Adviser: Kelly Hilden
Westfield’s Student Council is a selective group of students from each grade who become centrally involved in the activities of the school by working with fellow students and teachers to help share the ideas, interests, and concerns that students have. Student Council also assists with fundraising for social events, community projects, and school reform. Becoming a Student Council Ambassador enables students to be involved in many important decision-making processes such as spirit days, dance themes, after school activities, and much more, as well as the opportunity to take part in special member only school functions.
Westfield’s Student Council is a selective group of students from each grade who become centrally involved in the activities of the school by working with fellow students and teachers to help share the ideas, interests, and concerns that students have. Student Council also assists with fundraising for social events, community projects, and school reform. Becoming a Student Council Ambassador enables students to be involved in many important decision-making processes such as spirit days, dance themes, after school activities, and much more, as well as the opportunity to take part in special member only school functions.
Yearbook Club
Adviser: Tim Wojcicki
Yearbook begins in September and continues through March. If you enjoy taking photographs or digitally organizing photographs, Yearbook is the club for you!